Google Scholar links: Alex, Jon, Emma

Papers and chapters


Korko, M., Bose, A., Jones, A., Coulson, M., & de Mornay Davies, P. Do words compete as we speak? A systematic review of picture-word interference (PWI) studies investigating the nature of lexical selection. Psychology of Language and Communication, 28(1), 261-322.

Townsend, P. H., Jones, A., Patel, A. D., & Race, E. (2024). Rhythmic Temporal Cues Coordinate Cross-frequency Phase-amplitude Coupling during Memory Encoding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-17.

Ward, E. V. (2024). Age differences in priming as a function of processing at encoding. Consciousness and Cognition, 117, 103626.

Allegranti, B., & Silas, J. (2024). Capoeira in the Wake: Neurofeminism Moves with the Transgenerational. In Moving Kinship (pp. 245-287). Routledge. ISBN 9780367464905

Korko, M., Coulson, M., Jones, A., & de Mornay Davies, P. (2024). The many facets of inhibitory control and their role in syntactic selection. Language and Cognition, 16(2), 425-451.


Jones, A., Gandhi, V., Mahiddine, A. Y., & Huyck, C. (2023). Bridging Neuroscience and Robotics: Spiking Neural Networks in Action. Sensors, 23(21), 8880.

Jones, A., Silas, J., Anderson, W. & Ward, E. V. (2023). Null effects of temporal prediction on recognition memory but evidence for differential neural activity at encoding. A registered report, Cortex, ISSN 0010-9452

Korko, M., Coulson, M., Jones, A., & de Mornay Davies, P. (2023). The many facets of inhibitory control and their role in syntactic selection. Language and Cognition, 1-27.

Ali, S. M., Augusto, J. C., Windridge, D., & Ward, E. (2023). A user-guided personalization methodology to facilitate new smart home occupancy. Universal Access in the Information Society, 22(3), 869-891.

Mangiacotti, A., Cipriani, G., Ward, E., Franco, F., & Biasutti, M. (2023). Development and validation of the Music Cognitive Test: A music-based cognitive screening test. Psychology of Music, 51(2), 373-394.

Silas, J., Jones, A., Yarrow, K., & Anderson, W. (2023). Spatial attention is not affected by alpha or beta transcranial alternating current stimulation: A registered report. Cortex, 164, 33-50.

Ward, E. V. (2023). Age and processing effects on perceptual and conceptual priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(1), 1-14.


Jones, A., Ward, E. V., Csiszer, E. L., & Szymczak, J. (2022). Temporal expectation improves recognition memory for spatially attended objects.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-14.

Ali, S. M., Augusto, J. C., Windridge, D., & Ward, E. (2022). A user-guided personalization methodology to facilitate new smart home occupancy. Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-23.

Pearce, D., Gould, R. L., Roughley, M., Reynolds, G., Ward, E. V., Bhome, R., & Reeves, S. (2022). Paranoid and misidentification subtypes of psychosis in dementia. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 104529.


Silas, J., Jones, A., Weiss-Cohen, L., & Ayton, P. (2021). The seductive allure of technical language and its effect on covid-19 vaccine beliefs and intentions. Vaccine, 39(52), 7590-7597.

Korko, M., Coulson, M., Jones, A., & de Mornay Davies, P. (2021). Types of interference and their resolution in monolingual word production. Acta Psychologica, 214, 103251.

Jones, A., Silas, J., Todd, J., Stewart, A., Acree, M., Coulson, M., & Mehling, W. E. (2021). Exploring the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness in youth aged 7–17 years. Journal of Clinical Psychology.

  • To download the MAIA-youth questionnaire and scoring sheet, see the Appendix in the paper, free to download here.

Ward, E. V., Isac, A., Donnelly, M., Van Puyvelde, M., & Franco, F. (2021). Memory improvement in aging as a function of exposure to mood-matching music. Acta psychologica, 212, 103206.


Ward, E. V., Berry, C. J., Shanks, D. R., Moller, P. L., & Czsiser, E. (2020). Aging predicts decline in explicit and implicit memory: A life-span study. Psychological Science, 31(9), 1071-1083.


Jones, A., & Ward, E. V. (2019). Rhythmic temporal structure at encoding enhances recognition memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-14.

Silas, J., Tipple A., & Jones A. (2019). Event-related alpha desynchronization in touch – comparing attention and perception, Neuroscience Letters, 705, 131-137.

Karlinski, M., Jones, A., & Forster, B. (2019). Electrophysiological evidence for changes in attentional orienting and selection in functional somatic symptoms. Clinical Neurophysiology. 130(1), 85-92,

Jones, A. (2019). Temporal expectancies and rhythmic cueing in touch: The influence of spatial attention. Cognition182, 140-150.


Mehling, W. E., Acree, M., Stewart, A., Silas, J., & Jones, A. (2018). The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness, Version 2 (MAIA-2). PLOS ONE, 13(12), e0208034.

Doty, R. L., Tourbier, I., Neff, J. K., Silas, J., Turetsky, B., Moberg, P., … Detre, J. A. (2018). Influences of temporal lobe epilepsy and temporal lobe resection on olfaction. Journal of Neurology, 0(0), 0. 0001 TT-TLE was associated with shorter OERP.

Jones, A., Yarrow, K. & Silas, J. (2018). Are alpha oscillations generated by the somatosensory cortex involved in tactile attention? A registered report using transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS). Cortex, Registered report: In Principle Accepted. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/P7AME


Jones, A,. Hsu Y-F., Granjon, L. and Waszak F. (2017) Temporal expectancies driven by self- and externally generated rhythms, NeuroImage, 156, 352-362.

Singh, N., Huyck, C., Gandhi, V., Jones, A. (2017). ‘Neuron-Based Control Mechanisms for a Robotic Arm and Hand’. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 122, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 11(2), 175 – 183.


Silas, J. & Brandt, K.R. (2016). Frontal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) abolishes list-method directed forgetting. Neuroscience Letters. 616, 166-169.

Hadar, A. A., Rowe, P., Di Costa, S., Jones, A., & Yarrow, K. (2016). Motor-evoked potentials reveal a motor-cortical readout of evidence accumulation for sensorimotor decisions. Psychophysiology (Impact Factor: 3.1)

Forster, B., Tziraki, M., & Jones, A. (2016). The attentive homunculus: ERP evidence for somatotopic allocation of attention in tactile search. Neuropsychologia84, 158-166. (Impact factor: 4.35)


Jones, A. (2015). Independent effects of bottom-up temporal expectancy and top-down spatial attention. An audiovisual study using rhythmic cueing. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 8:96. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2014.00096 (Impact factor: pending)

Jones, A. & Forster B. (2015). Body in Mind. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:56. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00056 (Impact factor: 2.8)

Doty, R. L., Nsoesie, M. T., Chung, I., Osman, A., Pawasarat, I., Caulfield, J., Hurtig, H., Silas, J., Dubroff, J., Duda, J.E., Ying, G.S., Tekeli, H., Leon-sarmiento, F.E. (2015). Taste function in early stage treated and untreated Parkinson’s disease. Journal of neurology, 262(3), 547–57.


Jones, A. & Forster, B. (2014). Neural correlates of endogenous attention exogenous attention and inhibition of return in touch. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40, pp. 2389–2398. doi:10.1111/ejn.12583 (Impact factor: 3.8)

Osman, A. & Silas, J. (2014). Electrophysiological measurement of olfactory function. In R. L. Doty (Ed.), Handbook of olfaction and gustation: 3rd edition (pp. 261 – 277). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.

Doty, R. L., Koti, A., O’Hara, T. a, Landy, J., Shin, C., & Silas, J. (2014). Correlates of implicit cognitive line length representation in two-dimensional space. Perceptual and motor skills, 119(2), 550–63.


Jones A., Hughes G., & Waszak F. (2013). The interaction between attention and motor prediction. An ERP study. NeuroImage 83, 533–541. Doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.07.004 (Impact factor: 6.4)

Jones A., & Forster, B. (2013). Lost in vision: ERP correlates of exogenous tactile attention when engaging in a visual task, Neuropsychologia, 51, 675-685. DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.01.010 (Impact factor: 4.35)

Jones, A. &  Forster, B (2013). Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch. Somatosensory and Motor Research, 30(4), 161-166. DOI: 10.3109/08990220.2013.779243 (Impact factor: 1.1)


Jones, A., & Forster, B. (2012) Reflexive attention in touch: An investigation of event related potentials and behavioural responses. Biological Psychology, 89, 313-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.11.004 (Impact factor: 3.4)

Silas, J., Holmes, A. & Levy, J. (2012). Sensitivity of ‘mu’ rhythm modulation to the relevance of an observed movement but not to goal congruency. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 85, 168-173.


Silas, J., Atif, M.A. & Doty, R.L. (2011). Transcranial magnetic stimulation: A treatment for smell and taste dysfunction? American Journal of Otolaryngology, 32, 38-6.


Silas, J. & Doty, R.L. (2010). No evidence for specific benefit of acupuncture over vitamin B complex in treating persons with olfactory dysfunction. Otolaryngology, 134,6034-4.

Silas, J., Levy, J.P., Nielsen, M.K., Slade, L. & Holmes, A. (2010) Sex and individual differences in induced and evoked EEG measures of action observation. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2417-2426.

Conference presentations, abstracts and proceedings

Bezrukova, E., Zaleshin, M.1 Jones, A., Butterworth, B, Kovas, Y., Karolis, V.  Complex cortical dynamics in arithmetic problem solving . 25th Annual meeting of the Oganization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome Italy, June, 2019.

Lindner E., Darriba A., Yang Q., Jones A., Waszak F., Desantis A. The temporal dynamics of action-effect prediction: An EEG study. Presented at 3rd Gottingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. March 2019.

Jones, A. & Ward, E. V. Rhythmic encoding improves recognition memory. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), San Francisco USA, March, 2019

Silas J., Leniz I., Chinellato E., Forster B., and Jones A.. Successful classification of attentional tasks by power modulations in the alpha frequency band. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), San Francisco USA, March, 2019

Jones, A. & Ward, E. V. Rhythmic encoding improves recognition memory. Presentation at British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Glasgow, 6-7 Sept. 2018

Silas J. and Jones A.: Individual peak alpha frequency in touch – cognitive and methodological implications. Presentation at British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Glasgow, 6-7 Sept. 2018

Jones A. & Silas. J. Individual peak alpha frequency in touch – cognitive and methodological implications Poster presented at the 24th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), Boston USA, March, 2018

Jones A.Temporal and spatial attention in touch. Presentation at 1st Conference of Timing Research Forum, Strasbourg, France (23-25th October, 2017)

Jones, A. and Forster. B. (2017). Alpha oscillations during exogenous and endogenous attention in touch. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), San Francisco USA, March, 2017

Calvo-Merino, Jones, A., Haggard, P. and Forster. B. (2017). Embodiment and expertise effects on aesthetics judgments. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), San Francisco, USA, March, 2017

Forster, B., Karlinski, M. and Jones, A. (2017). Somatic symptoms and exogenous attention: an ERP study investigating modality specificity. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (CNS), San Francisco, USA, March, 2017

Klein, R., D’Entremont, G., Jones, A. and Lawrence, M. (2016) Exploring the neural signature of multimodal IOR, presented at the 46th Annual Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, USA, November 2016.

d’Entremont, G. R., Jones, A., Lawrence, M. A., & Klein, R. M. (2016). Investigating the neural signature of multi-modal inhibition of return. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport48(1), 9.

Jones, A. Hsu, Y-F., Granjon, L. & Waszak, F. (2016). Temporal expectancies driven by self- and externally generated rhythms. 23rd Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, April, New York City, USA.

Forster B & Jones A (2015). Neural correlates of endogenous and exogenous attention in touch: evidence for independent and interdependent mechanisms. Front. Hum. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: XII International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON-XII). doi: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2015.217.00142

Yarrow, K., Hadar, A., Rowe, P., Di Costa, S., & Jones, A. (2015). Motor-evoked potentials reveal a motor-cortical readout of evidence accumulation for sensorimotor decisions. Journal of vision15(12), 49-49. (Published conference abstract)

Jones, A. Forster, B. (2015). ERP correlates of tactile search: The N140cc. 22rd Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, April, San Francisco, USA.

Calvo-Merino, B., Jones, A., Gillmeister, H. & Forster, B. (2014). Embodied aesthetics is organized in a somatotopic manner: direct evidence from somatosensory ERPs.

Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA), New York City, August 22-24, 2014. (Spoken presentation by Dr. Beatriz Calvo-Merino):

Jones, A., Hughes, G., & Waszak, F. (2013) The interaction between attention and action expectation. An ERP study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, S . p. 115. ISSN 0898-929X

Calvo-Merino, B., Jones, A., Gillmeister, H., Tziraki, M., & Forster, B. (2012, August). The influence of experience on aesthetic processing: insight from ballet dancers watching dance postures. In COGNITIVE PROCESSING (Vol. 13, pp. S28-S28). TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG.

Jones, A. (2011). Neural correlates of automatic attention in touch: event related potential and behavioural measures. Presentation given at the 38th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 28-30 April

Jones, A., & Forster, B. (2010). Neural correlates of automatic attention in touch: event related potential and behavioural measures. Psychophysiology 47: S53 (Conference proceedings)

Jones, A. & Forster, B. (2010). Exogenous tactile attention in detection and discrimination task: ERPs and behavioural measures. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Allegranti, B. & Silas, J (2014). Embodied Signatures. Presented at Embodied Social Justice conference, London

Allegranti, B. & Silas, J (2014). What Moves Us? Presented at Embodied research Methodologies Symposium, London

Silas, J., Levy, J. & Crossman (2012). Varying the goal-directed plausibility of observed actions causes differences in mirror neuron system activation. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Chicago.

Silas, J., Levy, J., Nielsen, M.K., Slade, L. & Holmes, A. (2009) Induced and Evoked Sex Differences in EEG Measures of a Perception/Action Matching system. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco.

Silas, J., Levy, J., Holmes, A., Nielsen., M.K. & Slade., L. (2008). Sex differences modulate a perception/action matching system as indexed by EEG power. Presented at Young Physiologists Symposium at Cambridge University.

Silas, J., Levy, J., Homles., A., Nielsen., M.K. & Slade., L. (2008). Induced and evoked sex differences in EEG measures of a perception/action matching system. Presented at British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience annual meeting at Swansea University.

Hogan, E., Slade, L., Nielsen, M.K., Levy, J.P., Holmes, A & Silas, J. (2008). Top-down Intention Understanding and EEG Mu Rhythm during Observation of A not B Task in Adults: Links with “Theory of Mind”. Presented at British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience conference.

Silas, J., Hodges, T., Holmes, A., Judson, H., Levy, J., Nielsen, M., & Slade, L. (2007). Sex and Individual Differences Modulate a Perception/Action Matching System as Indexed by EEG Power. Presented at British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience conference. Awarded high commendation.

Silas, J. & Hegarty, P. (2006). The role of suppression in causal reasoning: A new account of prejudice expression towards heroin users. Presented at Wessex & Wight Undergraduate/Postgraduate Student Psychology Conference.